Load Covering Solutions has some of the BEST EXPERIENCED TOP GUN TECHNICAL EXPERTS in the business when it comes to service & repairing tarp systems. If you're in Canada or USA, find your way to our Burlington, Ontario or Cadiz KY facilities and let an LCS expert assess your tarp system for required service or repair needs. At LCS we will service any model or make of competitors systems. If we can’t buy the parts from a competitor, we will advise you to have them shipped to us and we will be more then happy to provide you the labor and get you back up and on the road.
Meet LCS Top Gun Customer Service Representatives whose credentials speak for themselves.
If you're unable to get to LCS then check out our Dealer Support Group and let their parts service and repair departments assist you:
Consider LCS your One Tarp Stop Shop for aftermarket, parts, service combined with knowledge and a friendly customer service commitment.
LCS Repair Techs will work outside in any weather to make sure our service commitments are met.
Designing / Building / Servicing & Repairing Tarp Systems since 1979 – Contact The Best At LCS!