Unfortunately, tarp repairs are an everyday occurrence in todays trucking world where rolling tarp systems are commonly used. Make the turn into LCS where you can trust our experts to assess and decide the best solution at the most competitive cost for getting you back up and running and on the road again.
Many repairs can be fixed right on the vehicle verses having to take the cover or panels off completely, saving you the cost in removing and reinstalling as well as added down time. LCS uses 3 methods for mobile repairs, portable heat guns, tarp contact cement or self-adhesive tarp tape. Inquire to our service teams on purchasing a repair kit, as well, we do sell the Leister Heat Guns for your do it yourself repair enthusiast.
With the transition over the years from the original 1 pcs “Conestoga -like” rolling tarps dating back to the 1990’s where a rip meant the entire tarp had to be removed causing huge down time. Now modular panel tarp systems are the way to go making what seems like a big repair more manageable, less down time and less costly.
If you have Van -Like Curtain Side systems LCS is here to assist you. LCS is the only rolling tarp system OEM that identifies when a curtain side system is more practical as a load covering solution then a rolling tarp system. LCS builds its own models of European Curtain Sides and therefore we are experts when it comes to service, repair and damage. Check us out https://www.loadcovering.com/
Some companies would try to upsell you on new curtains, buts that’s why you only go to the EXPERTS at LCS!
Make LCS your One Tarp Stop Shop for Tarp Repairs & Service!