Windmaster SMARTLOOK™ Rolling Flat Tarp System for Flatbed Trailers

Welcome to the LCS - Windmaster SMARTLOOK (WMSL) Aerodynamic Front Bulkhead. In 2010, LCS identified with the growing popularity of High Top Rolling Tarp Systems operators were seeing increased wind drag leading to fuel deficiency and trailer tracking on open roads with sever cross winds putting drivers in an unsafe handling situation. With state of the art aerodynamic software our engineers set out to design the most compatible geometric shape for the front of flatbed trailers that would address both head on and side cross winds. The WMSL emerged as the best tested and proven design to combat against mother nature and the winds she delivers each & every day to our drivers over the road.


Windmaster SMARTLOOK (WMSL) Aerodynamic Bulkhead by LCS is a unique patented fiberglass injection molded modular design, engineered to provide maximum wind drag reduction resulting in driver safety and enhanced fuel savings.

Features, Advantages & Benefits:

• The SMARTLOOK Bulkhead is CFD wind tunnel tested in comparison to a typical 100" High Flat Aluminum Front Wall BH traveling at 65MPH. Driver safety should be your # 1 concern when traveling the open road. Our customers instantly comment on having a SMARTLOOK tarp system is like pulling no trailer behind you. The SMARTLOOK reduces Wind Drag up to 12%. The cost of fuel should be the 2nd most important concern while fuel enhancement increased by up to 6%.

• The SMARTLOOK 3 Piece modular design makes it the only bulkhead which allows for quick & easy replacement of its fiberglass components should they become damaged. That leads to less down time & gets you back on the road making money!

• A STD robust 34"x 64" Man Door is finished in a Mirror Finish Stainless Steel Waffle with a chrome whale tail exterior handle and 3 pt. interior locking mechanism.

Available in 12 color matching gelcoat & tarp material finishes, this fully integrated tarp system is certainly a SMARTLOOK. (You Chose the SMARTLOOK Color with our Color Co-ordinating Template)



Color Matching High Gloss Gelcoat to German Engineered PVC Structural Tension Tarp Fabric.

Select Your Next LCS Tarp System Color

Click color codes below


119119 244244 311311 356356 543543 566566 679679 705705 763763 590590 907901 Default Image


CFD Tested WMSL sits 20" ahead of the front trailer sill and at 65 MPH in comparison to any aluminum flat face bulkhead rising 100" high, WMSL reduced Wind Drag by 9.96% - 12%, meaning Fuel efficency increased by 4.98% - 6%. Our results are real, our product is proven and the only thing that separates you from lower operational cost is not owning a Windmater SMARTLOOK, Built by LCS.

FACT: The Testing does not lie and every mile you run without a Windmaster SMARTLOOK is costing you money.

THE TAKE AWAY: A 106" Windmaster SMARTLOOK High Hauler Sys cost you less per mile then a 100" High Alum. BH

ALERT! Don't be fooled in thinking your Aerodynamic Truck that addresses head winds equally addresses the Wind Drag resulting in the gap behind the truck and in front of your flat front bulkhead. LCS-Windmaster shows its highest CFD results of wind drag reduction at a side cross wind angle where a truck does not compensate for.

Don't be led astray when others state adding their nose cone works. Unless tested with their results posted, negative results can occur, costing you more in fuel.

Go Ahead and Complete the Fuel Saver Calculator and see the results.

Spend the MONEY to save the MONEY!


Windmaster SMARTLOOK sits 20" ahead of the trailer deck and offers full deck load capacity with cargo equipment stored in the Wndmaster fiberglass cavity. Customized your interior bulkhead with full cargo control storage providing for easy access to all your cargo equipment from the trailer deck to secure your loads quickly. There are NO Standards. "You tell LCS what Works for You & We Will Do It"

Shelves, Trays, Racks for Chains, J-Hooks, Binders, Straps, Coil Bunks, Coil Cuffs, 4x4 Dunnage Corner Protectors
****All Equipment Available to purchase from Load Covering Solutions****


Interior Paddle Locks: The LOOK Bulkhead comes standard with the best interior mounted, exterior ground level controlled independent lock system ever. NO MAINTENANCE-GUARANTEED! Two interior vertical shafts (DS & CS) with upper and lower grass hopper spring loaded paddle claws reach out when the shafts are rotated 180 degrees with a standard undermount van door lock handle to grab the front car frame and pull it tight to compress the bulkhead seal or to release.


Best Maintenance FREE Lock Mechanism in Existence, GUARANTEED!

POWAIR Auto-Locks: Ground-controlled air locks starts with our cylinder mount low in the bulkhead to ensure locks do not open in the event of loss of air. DS & CS vertical slide pins lock down and pull up when opened. Air Control Switch is conveniently mounted on DS front corner underneath BH.

LCS offers the only rear mounted air control switch allowing for operator to unlock front car frame and pull the tarp system to the rear of the trailer while standing at the rear.


Don't Be Fooled in assuming all retractable tarp systems are built to last. Be cautious of the systems in existence that will cost you more money over the long haul in replacement components and constant maintenance due to the foundation of a weaker track and wheel design. Take the time and do your due diligence before you decide to spend the money on what you thought was a great value in a system. From the start, the Railroad provided LCS engineering with exactly what we believed to be the best track longevity & wheel design, for a rugged over the road rolling tarp system performance.

Our Heavy Duty 6" C-Channel extrusion with a 1-1/4" extended, lower built-in High Impact Bump Guard safeguards against damage from side loading of forklifts. An inverted V-shaped highly precision roll formed stainless steel insert slides in and provides the perfect rolling surface for any LCS, 3" V-Groove machined steel roller.

Our rollers come with our own replaceable custom designed sealed bearings eliminating the need to replace the complete roller assembly saving huge costs over the life of the system. Don't be fooled in thinking all systems have the same quantity of rollers. They don't, as most systems average between 56 - 74 wheels. A 53ft LCS systems tracks on 28 required steel wheels. SOME 53FT SYSTEMS HAVE (96) WHEELS, WOW. $$$$$

LCS High Impact Track offers the only "Patented" built in undermount attachment to slide in one of two optional aluminum extruded light bars.

• 2" Light Bar allows 1" LED bullet lights on 12", 24" or 48" centers.
• 4" Light Bar allows 2" LED round lights on 12", 24" or 48" centers.

No Bolts, Rivets or Welding so never worry about your light bar breaking loose with constant flexing of loaded trailers.

Light it up with LCS Add On Light Package - Featuring 1" LED Bullet Lights on 12" Centers


LCS designed the most common-sense modular rolling tarp frame in the market, even our competitors want to copy it.

1) The LCS aluminum frame extrusion has the tarp connector grooves internal of the tubular design.

Q. Why would this be important?
A. Because when the tarp system frames come in contact with interior building doors, fence posts & gates, trees and other objects the unprotected exterior raised grooves are subject to damage. The slightest pinching of those grooves will make it very difficult in getting the tarp panels replaced easily, and cost effectively. It might even lead to the replacement cost of a new frame and panel.

2) The interior design allows LCS frames to be narrower in depth and thus an LCS system can provide up to 1" extra interior load width.

3) LCS vertical side and top frames are assembled with a 2-part interior 90 degree square corner casting.

    A. Primary Casting inserts into the aluminum extrusion connecting the sides and top in place.
    B. Cap Casting attaches to the side and traps the tarp panel and locks it into place.

Q. Why is this design unique and important?
Because the tarp panel install or replacement doesn't require the panel to be started from the bottom and pulled up through the tight corner across and down. An LCS tarp panel starts at one top corner where it slides straight vertical, while the opposite end slides across the horizontal roof, straight vertical down on the opposite side. The Cap is then inserted over the exposed open side corner and traps the tarp panel locking it into place by torquing the provided bolts. If Down Time & Cost isn't important then this frame design is irrelevant)

4) All LCS Lower Car Frame plates are easily assembled by sliding the upper frame over a solid extruded vertical post(s) and bolting.

LCS Component Designs are built Rugged and made to Last!

• White Axillary Wheels come standard on all systems as a new upgrade now which are not required in the tracking of an LCS system but to provide assistance to the rolling performance should any of the lower car plates get side damage in its travels. It's like having insurance, you don't need it, until you do!

• Patented Lower Uplift Clips now come standard with most systems attached to lower car plates. This feature eliminates welded clips high up on the car frame like other systems that can cause tarp damage while pleating. With the different LCS Patented uplift configurations these clips allows any set up at any time. See Uplifts for further details)


Q. What is the purpose of the uplift bows?

A: Every system has their own version of these scissor bows with the common purpose and intent to provide tarp roof support between each rolling car frame located on 7ft -8ft centers the length of the trailer and to minimize downward tarp pleating into the loading zone while being retracted.

LCS standard uplifting tube extrusion in comparison is the heaviest duty wall thickness over all our competitors. With the open road cross winds the structural integrity of these light weight structures is vitally important and plays a big part in the future wear and replacement of your modular tarp panels.

Double Hinge Connected (HD/BC): LCS Heavy Duty / Bent Corner Step Ladder design is free standing and always puts vertical roof support where its needed. No straps or pockets required to hold this uplift to the roof. All LCS uplifts have a rolled form 1" arch to center above the rolling car frames to ensure there is water run off. Downward tarp pleating with this configuration averages 9"-12" in to the loading area when pushing the system ahead.

LCS patented lower car plate design with uplift hinge brackets allows for the purchase of double hinge uplits, 4 lifter (Quad) uplifts and our 6 lifter (Hex) uplift at any time without welding uplift clips to the car plate. If your initial intent is not maximum load space but that happens to change down the road, you will be so happy you purchased a LCS Rolling Tarp System. (We are the innovators in the industry!)

4 Lifter (Quad) Uplifts: Designed to reduce tarp pleating to 6" while adding additional cross wind side support to tarp panels.

LCS Unique Molded Modular Corner that is only sold on systems with 4 or 6 Lifter uplifts. It enables Fleets to build their own uplift configurations. Call to learn more.

6 Lifter (Hex) Uplifts (Patented): Designed to reduce tarp roof pleating to 4"-5" while adding max cross wind side support. However the real advantage is the noticeable reduction of the interior side wall tarp pleating giving you maximum width to haul lumber, drywall and containers reducing tarp drag by 95%.


• LCS designed & maintains the Patented Loc'N-Load (LNL) which is without a doubt the BEST Lock and Tensioning Mechanism on the market, just ask our competitors.

1. LNL is a simple common sense design comprising of a short barrel, a coil thread and an over-center flip down thrust nut which is easily operated with a removeable manual crank handle. A Swivel Fixed Crank Handle attached to the LNL is optional if your worried about loss.

2. LNL is conveniently bolted on the rear car plate and travels with the car frame just above the track so that it never gets lost or stolen like other system locks. Its quick and easy to replace and it can be retro-fitted to ALL Trade Marked "CONESTOGA" Models.

3. With a 23" wide robust and structurally built rear car frame combined with our railroad track and wheel design, LCS systems DO NOT require a interior structural apparatus or post to support the car frame higher up. Don't Be Fooled!

Loc'N-Load "A-Frames" Option:

Operates with Manual Crank Handles

LCS has made available our new patent pending LNL A-Frame designed specifically for our Specialized High Hauler Systems or those fleet or owner operators that still prefer an interior support structure higher up on the rear car frame.

POW'R-AM Automatic Rear Lock Mechanism

• LCS is confident when we say we have "Slam Dunked" the industry's finest Patented rear automatic lock and tensioning mechanism for a rolling tarp system. There is not much to see, because nothing is located above or below the deck. LCS patented design reserves all rights to locate our compact hydraulic cylinder which is mounted horizonal to the deck in the "Gap" between our track and the trailer side rail.

• The cylinder controls a sliding bracket above deck which enages the thrust nut of our manual over-ride LNL. When engaged it pushes the rear car frame straight back to a LOC-HOLD-TENSION position.

• The Rear Control Switch is conveniently mounted to the rear of trailer in a protected box. When activated, it Tensions or Release both sides of the tarp system simutanouesly in 4 secs. YES IN 4 SECS!

• A remote control offers lots of versatility. For example it enables the operator to release the rear tarp tension while standing at the front of the bulkhead without walking to the rear or undoing the rear flap. In 4 secs the system is unlocked with tension released and with the POWAIR switch unlocking the front car from the bulkhead, your rolling the tarp to the rear within 10 secs of leaving the cab of your truck.

A Control Box is mounted under the trailer, organizing the POW'R-AM equipment for easy access. Because the system is Electric over Hydraulic a 12V battery is included to ensure the lock can be operated without a truck attached. In the event of a power outage or failure a 1/2 turn of a bleed value immediately releases the tension allowing the manual LNL to be used normally.

Load Covering Solutions challenages any lock mechanism is be simpler, totally out of sight and out of mind.


LCS transitioned in 2006 from its original 1-piece manufactured tarpaulin design to a fully segmented panel, providing the industry with the ability to respond to tarpaulin damage quickly by replacing only the sections as required. The industry has gone standard on 20oz per SQ.YD. European High Quality Tension Fabric with a urethane top coating. These materials perform incredibly well and by combination of system design and fabric choice todays rolling tarp systems resemble that of a hard side van trailer.

LCS welds STD on all panels 12" Reinforcement in top corner the full length DS & CS.

Q: Why is this important and our competitors don't include it?

A: One of the most vunerable areas on rolling tarp systems going down the road is the wind pressure being exerted in the top corners of the panels that can lead to wind whipping or spyder cracking. The weight of the double material in the form of a reinforcement eliminates this is and ensures uplift bows don't wear through the panel in the corners. And, LCS has an automatic welding machine built specifically to install the reinforcements in only minutes.

All LCS panels come STD with a weldable PVC cargo belting located along our track at the deck level to ensure our panels are protected with the 2nd most damaging wind pressure exerted on a traveling rolling tarp system


All rolling tarp systems come standard with a rear flap allowing for quick and easy access into the trailers interior.

• LCS has 3 main options for gaining access to the rear of the trailer. 1. Crank up flap. - 2. Pulley & Rope - 3. Combination of both.

• Our 4" Wide Over-center Velcro Side Wings are STD with our own developed Shock Cord for quick, simple securement.

Pull Up /Rope & Pulley Flap - Interior Opening reduced by 12"


At LCS we believe in investing in the power of marketing and no better way to gain a Return On Your Capital Investment (ROI) with allocating advertising and marketing budgets over the road. Look to a load covering system to promote your corporate messaging and watch the capital investment SOON be quickly justified. NOTE: Everyone remembers a great looking billboard especially if it's driving beside you!

Note: Average Graphics Life Expectancy depending on the application is 7 years. Based on your original Capital Investment for an LCS Tarp System & amortized over 84 months, its costing you only $ 357.00 / month to promote your corporate messaging.

LCS is Proud to Service so many Veteran Advertising Campaigns. Let our expert team of designers give your over the road promotion the SMARTLOOK!


Thank You for visiting and learning more about the LCS Windmaster SMARTLOOK rolling tarp systems Features, Advantages and Benefits. I hope we have demonstrated to you there are many differences in our models of systems that separates LCS from the rest.

If you're in the market for a rolling tarp system to enhance your flatbed load covering versatility, LOOK to Load Covering Solutions. Our technical sales expertise combined with our advanced innovations and design engineering will provide years of trouble-free load covering performance at the lowest maintenance cost. Call us for more information and pricing.

The Windmaster SMARTLOOK is the only Rolling Tarp System in existence that will save you money over the long haul!
You Gotta Spend the Money to Save the Money!

Get the LOOK and be sure to browse our other Western Wagon models of similar systems available at LCS