ALERT! Don't be fooled in thinking your Aerodynamic Truck that addresses head winds equally addresses the Wind Drag resulting in the gap behind the truck and in front of your flat front bulkhead. LCS-Windmaster shows its highest CFD results of wind drag reduction at a side cross wind angle where a truck does not compensate for.

Don't be led astray when others state adding their nose cone works. Unless tested with their results posted, negative results can occur, costing you more in fuel.

Go Ahead and Complete the Fuel Saver Calculator and see the results.

Spend the MONEY to save the MONEY!

At LCS, we know fuel efficiency is an every day cost and we want to ensure we provide you with the facts that could make the differnce in your decision of choosing a round top rolling tarp system over a flat top system. Our LCS Sr. Management Teams have pulled both systems tons of miles to compare fuel efficiency and over the road handling. Here are the results:

Both trailers 40ft long pulled 180 miles over open expressway averaging 75mph with a 2500 Chevy Duramax.

The flat top handled like any square box trailer over the road where you knew you had a trailer behind you. The round top pulled as if there was no trailer being pulled and even allowed the speedometer to push 80+ mph without sway.

The flat top pulled 1/4 tank more fuel in 180 miles vs the round top.

Get informed, do your due-dligence and make the decision that best suits your load covering solutions.